Ward One

Issues and Ideas

This page along with Wards two, three, and four are extracts of comments from FaceBook. The question I pose is:

“YOUR THOUGHTS–YOUR WARD” – this page is a work in progress
A Ward Map is on the web page “Our City.”
If you live in the county but have a thought, say “County” followed by your thoughts.
Anonymous comments are fine. Even if you make a regular entry, I will not put your name on the web page anyway.”

Citizen Comments to my Facebook Post

Ward 1 – Several people have voice frustration about the aquatic center and skateboard park. The Feburary 2022 Press Release describes ½ cent sales tax approved by 80% of those who voted.


Ward 1 – It would’t cost any extra funds for the Police Department to enforce the speed limit on North Dogwood (a.k.a. Highway 59B). There are FOUR 25mph signs posted from the TOP of Pisto Hill to Ridge Drive. Families that live on Osage, in Tripple Crown and Lessley Additions, plus those that live along the road cannot walk their pets, go on bike rides, jog, etc… without getting on North Dogwood. This is a busy and very dangerous road that has deep ditches with no shoulders. There isn’t room for people to get out of the way of the speeding cars. It is common for vehicles, sometimes including 18 wheelers, to go 55mph or more. Patroling North Dogwood for the safety of our citizens is something that’s very doable. If Marble City can keep people from speeding down their hill, surely Sallisaw can do the same!


Ward 1 – Hi John, I am writting on behalf of my sister. She lives on North Dogwood in Sallisaw. Each time there is heavy rain, it floods her house. She has called the City numerous times without success of fixing the issue of her house flooding.