Ward Four

Issues and Ideas

This page along with Wards one, two, and three are extracts of comments from FaceBook. The question I pose is:

“YOUR THOUGHTS–YOUR WARD” – this page is a work in progress
A Ward Map is on the web page “Our City.”
If you live in the county but have a thought, say “County” followed by your thoughts.
Anonymous comments are fine. Even if you make a regular entry, I will not put your name on the web page anyway.”

Citizen Comments to my Facebook Post

Brad Hamilton is City Commissioner for Ward 4 as of the creation of this page (9-24-2024)
Ward 4. There is a very dead tree limb on a home owners property, at the west end of E. Chickasaw Ave. east of Wheeler. It would be a big insurance liability possibly if it falls and injures someone. God forbid. Not sure what can be done since it’s on a home owners property.
Ward 4. One think I have noticed is on some corners in our area bushes and branches have created some dangerous blind spots. Choctaw and Holly is an example.
I know also that due to budgets, cleaning ditches for good drainage is often overlooked. I have also noticed in recent years after heavy rain storms the drains do not flush as well as other times. Yes, I talked to city of course they said it was in sections. I have 2 places snaked both with power snake and city did up to me with no difference in either place. (They connect to mains on different streets). Not sure root cause but based on only when heavy rain has occurred thinking either leaky lines picking up to much water or the pumping water from leaky reservoir is effecting system when taxed.
I think we may be finally getting a tornado siren we can hear operational soon, but not there yet.
Roads and other infrastructure are only repaired when it breaks in our area would like a long range plan to address it. I know it is expensive and we can’t do it all, doing other improvements and ignoring it isn’t the answer either!
Ward 4 – lots of animal haters
County – beautiful and remote! Love it
Ward 4 – Road conditions are horrible, that includes the whole city. The end of Magnolia Loop floods every rain, gets around 2-3 foot deep. The amount of abandoned houses is getting kind of outrageous too. Nobody wants to see trashed houses or grown up yards around the corner.
Ward 4 – We see plenty of empty houses that appear to be move-in-ready with no contact info if they are for rent or purchase. My daughter, her boyfriend and 5 kids have been homeless for a year. The kindness of family is running out and we’re no closer to finding housing.