Ward Three

Issues and Ideas

This page along with Wards one, two, and four are extracts of comments from FaceBook. The question I pose is:

“YOUR THOUGHTS–YOUR WARD” – this page is a work in progress
A Ward Map is on the web page “Our City.”
If you live in the county but have a thought, say “County” followed by your thoughts.
Anonymous comments are fine. Even if you make a regular entry, I will not put your name on the web page anyway.”

Citizen Comments to my Facebook Post


I wish the city still had an ordinance against people trashing their yards and letting there grass grow 2 feet tall, There are people you can call to come and pick up your trash / Junk you may have to pay them!! Nothing is free! at least keep your yards clean!! Some of these places are Ridiculous! I call it lazyness!


A suggestion was made to re-establish a Sallisaw Chunk Your Junk day where the city picks up items hauls away items meeting certain criterion.


Yeah, I thought of the limbs are hanging over into the road, isn’t it the citys’s responsibility? All the way down Port Arthur by the railroad tracks. Looks sad!!
If you go view one side and then the other side on the park side, it looks good but on the other side, it looks terrible. You can see the difference and how they treat different areas and it’s ridiculous.
My family has owned land here in Sallisaw. Since 1917 black owned. That was a miracle. Many nights my uncle Solon just sit on that porch protecting us from evil!! I didn’t know then why he did that, but now I know. Sad people still hate u got the color of your skin still!!
My great grandma’s was a very smart successful lil black lady!! So greatful to carry her name. Just disrespectful!
But they was quick to tear down the only thing my mom owned, while she was away taking care of her sis. Never got the notice, cause she was out town!! Tell me why is the land still in my great grand and uncle!! Straight crooks! The man said they FORGOT to take it out of the condemned pile. And one actual said he was sicken by the whole deal! Actual apologized to me.
Thei in the business of lying and scheming to gain something that don’t belong to them. God said, “vengeance is mine!!” That why my mother gave it to the Lord!
I’m just shocked; people would stoop that low is so sad! Some people have no soul!!! To all high profile, I be seeing you riding by!! Keep rollin baby cause ain’t nothing open in hood!! If you not coming by to see how u can help!
N town, is what they use to call it! Keep pushin!!! Where can I find who donated that soccer and the first bus barn in this silly lil’ town!!
I need answers!!
You don’t hear about that do you!!’ There are house with trees growning thru them!! What cha’ gonna do bout that!!
U need to spend some of that money in hood cause that’s where they stole it from. That’s obvious!!
If someone doesn’t have access to a truck (like me), they can’t chunk their junk because they can’t haul it there. Also, it’s difficult for some families to afford the $32 the city charges for a Curbie pickup. I believe it was a huge disservice to the citizens when the city decided to discontinue the City Pickup. Just my 2cents…
The cost has gone up from $25 to $32 since the Press Release in September 2019.